Prix & Information

Chan Thai Nuad Boran Massage of 1,5 hours 90 €
Chan Thai Facial and Head Massage of 30 min 30 €
Chan Thai Yoga Personal Training 1 hour 40 €
Chan Thai Yoga Duo-Couple Training 1 hour 20 € p.p.
All payment in cash or cheque
Students and Unemployed (Artists) get 10 % discount.

How to make an appointment?
Call Chantal at +33 6 16 80 15 04 or email her at:

What to bring?
Come with loose fitting clothes such as a jogging pants, thai pants and a Tshirt. Don't wear any jewelry.

Before, During and After the massage
Don't eat just before the massage, best is to eat 1 to 2 hours before. Lay down on the futon and start to relax all parts of your body, starting from head to toe. You can cloose your eyes and concentrate on your Breathing. The massage therapist will allign his mouvements on your breathing rythm. Relax and listen to the music, follow instructions of your massage therapist.
After the massage it is possible that you are feeling dizzy, sleepy or low on energy, not to worry just take your time to get up. The oppposite is also possible, being right awake and feeling full of Energy. The best is to listen to your body and continue with the mood you are in.
Wash your hands with cold water. Refresh your face.
Have a cup of tea from our selection on the Tea Menu

Please be on time.
If you can't make it to your appointment we would appreciate it to call at least 24 hours to advice us, so we can reschedule your appointment and provide others with our treatments.

Medical Situation
Thai Massage treatment is a holistic treatment.
Please tell your therapist about your medical situation. In some cases it is better to refer you through to a collegue specialist (chiropractor, osteopath, kinesitherapeute).
If you suffer from hypertension, varicose veins or cardio vascular disease it is not advicable to get the Traditional Thai treatment. We can propose you other massages.
Pregnant women should inform the therapist of their health situation.
Copyright © 2008,Chan Thai Massage. All rights reserved.